Thoughts on my mind

Entry #4

If I were to win an award every time I had stopped and started writing throughout my life, I would be the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King of journalists that never were. Completely understanding that writing might become a lost art at some point dominated by AI and the Chat GPTs of the universe, I truly do enjoy written thoughts, so here am I relapsing today. As interesting as it may sound, I occasionally find myself thinking in written thoughts, so truly that’s the MUSE working to speak to me in some way.

Having recently moved to Salt Lake City, Utah and approaching my one year anniversary of United States military retirement, I find myself fully invested in the occasionally confusing path of what I should do with my life. If money weren’t an issue, then I think I would just form some sort of media company that produced independent films, unique photography, and had a voice in some way to make a positive impact. I suppose that I could do this now, but the lack of money can get tiring. That being said, I remember how Kobe Bryant talked about enjoying the journey, not the destination, so I guess I should be more focused on enjoying the present day.

I still have a strong doubt that anyone will ever read these words, but it is therapeutic and a creative step towards other things I’m working on.

Although I know I shouldn’t as it often acts as a distraction to projects I’m working on that might actually make a deep and real impact on my life, I often find myself ranting or frustrated by the state of the world. Not to sound like a pretentious know it all, but when I look on social media or see the news, I’m disheartened. Where did all the humanity go. Where is the creativity, originality, and authenticity hiding? Did it ever exist? I’m afraid that it’s possible that human beings and society have always been and will always be deeply flawed and that I really shouldn’t be surprised by some of the things I see online.

Can the United States government be a little less corrupt and care a little more about its citizens FOR ONCE? Can we please find a way to end war in Ukraine and develop some sort of humane strategy for interactions with China. Can the politicians of this country stop lining their own pockets (at least a little!) and focus a little more on the poor, homeless, ill, and downtrodden of the people they are supposed to be serving. I get it, these are complicated issues, but frankly I don’t see 85% of the people in power giving a shit.

I remember when I watched the movie, “Amazing Grace”, as a 15 year old, I had some sort of inspiration to make an impact in the world. I believe that I’ve done so in some small levels in my own circle, but maybe if I’m lucky my voice can reach and inspire more people. Believe me, I know that I’m massively flawed in many ways. I think that it’s this self awareness that motivates me to try to be better and makeup for all of my shortcomings.

On a positive note, I’m nearly done with the six-part short film series I’m working on. I’ve decided to call it, “Becoming Veteran”. It tells the stories of six different Veterans who have transitioned out of active military service and are making some sort of positive impact in the world. As someone who has massively struggled with military transition, these stories have inspired me.

Thanks for reading audience that doesn’t exist. Go do something good today.


Benjamin Steele

Through my determination and entrepreneurial attitude, I plan to make a difference in the world.

On Isolation


A comprehensive guide to Oahu, Hawaii